This Took a While...
I started “Daybreak” back in May 2019, and nearly as soon as I started it, I lost motivation to work on it, for several months. During the summer months there were times where this drawing would see 5 minutes of effort per week. Sometimes it would not get any attention for a whole month. It slowly dawned on me that my inspiration disappears during the summer months; since it was only in late September that I slowly started making progress on it again.
Part of the issue with this piece is that it’s a self portrait, so I suspect I had a lot of subconscious apprehension about how it would turn out. It’s called “Daybreak” because my middle name, Zoran, means “daybreak” in Serbian. Writing it out now makes it feel a bit cheesy but I don’t care, I’m fairly happy with how it turned out and it’s a decent abstract representation of the side of my face when I had long hair.
One thing I enjoyed and want to continue doing is incorporating natural elements in my drawings. This one has several, albeit shortened maps of actual real world rivers — top left is a loose interpretation of the Missouri river. My flora still need a lot of work in terms of detail and variety however.